Sweet Tea

I Suggest everyone to go through the grocery store and look at how much sugar and carbs and calories are in pre-made iced tea. It's disgusting. And if it isn't sugar it has chemical sweeteners in them to lower calorie and carb counts. I'd rather not... So after a lot of trial and error i have come up with a fool proof recipe for some amazing natural and healthy sweet tea. It's really pretty awesome.

Peach Sweet Tea

  • 4 large tea bags (the ones for making large amounts of tea)
  • 2 Bigelow perfect peach tea bags
  • Stevia to taste
I use old Arizona iced tea gallon jugs to make this. Fill the jugs with warm water, warm enough to steep but not boiling, leaving enough room for tea bags. Put all 6 tea bags in container. Let steep for about 10 minutes. Remove tea bags. You can add stevia now but i usually add it when i pour it into a cup. Pour over ice. Enjoy! And so much better then that fake nasty store bought stuff! 

Also, You can add a shot of Absolut wild tea vodka to a cup of this for an amazing adult tea! 

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